Public presentation | Smart Factory, Digital Control Twin, Big Data Grid, Data Analytics, Artificial & Business Intelligence - How the Industry 4.0 will change ERP-Systems

23.01.2025 -  

23. Jan. 2025, 3.15 pm, Building 29, Room 301

The kernel of the existing ERP-Systems is the MRP-II that is based on IT-technology of the 80/90th of the last century. The MRP-II concept is like a waterfall model, wherein the different applications run in a certain sequence and the results are transferred step by step via data interfaces. So, weak points are time delay, data loss and inconsistency, no recursion between applications, inflexibility and late reaction of actual gathered data. MRP-II was a big progress at that time, but this concept is no longer suitable for the Industry 4.0. The deluge of available acquired data and the high speed of data transmission and available communication platforms require a new IT-Architecture of the ERP-System based on the IT- Technology and capability of Industry 4.0 using new methods and concepts like: 

  • Enterprise Resource Planning System based on the Digital Control Twin Model
  • Big Data Grid of the global Production and Material Flow Network 
  • Rule-Base Regulation of Smart Factories and Smart Logistics 
  • Data Analytics and Artificial/Business Intelligence Tools
  • High-Performance Computing for simultaneous application execution

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